H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Ali Shoukry, Islamic Development Bank, “Role of Islamic Finance In Fast-Changing World

Triyono, MBA, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), “Financial Policy: Regulation and Control of Financial Technology System


Dr. Zainul Bahar Noor, Former President of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, “Islamic Banking and Its Policy Toward Financial Technology System

Associate Professor Sonny Zulhuda, Ph.D., MCL, Lecturer of International Islamic University Malaysia, “Financial Technology Regulated System and Its Benefit for the Maslahah of Ummah“.

Mr. Sajid Bokhari, Senior Associate, Private Capital Markets-National Australia Bank Limited, “Fintech Opportunities for the Halal Industry

Dr. Sapta Nirwandar, Chairman of Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center, “Halal Lifestyle in the Era of Financial Technology

Mr. Mohd. Yazrie bin Mohd Shukri, Forbes U-30/Founder YAZ Ventures. “Industrial Revolution 4.0: A Wake Up (and Alarming) Call for the Ummah“.

Mr. Andrew Chien, Fintech & Blockchain Center at Asia University TAIWAN, Introduction to Blockchain and Financial Application