On behalf of the Center for the Integration of Islamic Thought with the University Curriculum (PII-MKU), The University of Al Azhar Indonesia, we welcome all participants to join our program “the Third International Conference on Islamic Epistemology”. This International Conference is part of PII MKU’s program in realizing its mission to build up the scientific mindset and paradigm which is based on Islamic epistemology. The main aim of this conference is to strengthen the commitment of Muslim scholars to find the relevance of the message of Allah in the Holy Qur’an with the scientific proof of modern theories. The theme of this third international conference is focused on financial technology (fintech) on the perspective of law and syariah economy.
This Third International Conference on Islamic Epistemology is conducted through the cooperation between PII MKU the University of Al Azhar Indonesia and the International Institute of Islamic Thought with the basis of similar mission in developing Islamic epistemology into the scientific paradigm. The first conference which has also been conducting through the cooperation of PII MKU and IIIT as the first program and it has used the theme Islamic epistemology from the perspective of the modern scientific paradigm. Insya Allah, the International Conference on Islamic Epistemology will be continued each year for the next future with the participants from universities and research institutes from different countries.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude and honor to Dr. Habib Chirzin as the co-chairman of IIIT Indonesia Chapter. Also we would like to express our respectful appreciation to all speakers, particularly to Keynote Speaker, Wimboh Santoso, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D. Chairman of Commissioner Board – OJK , and to the speaker from Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Mr. Sajid Bukhari from Australia, Senior Associate, Private Capital Markets-National Australia Bank Ltd, Ms. Karima Bihaki from United Kingdom, Founder and CEO Halalfocus, UK, and two speakers from Indonesia, Dr. Zainul Bahar Noor, Former President of Bank Muamalat Indonesia and Dr. Sapta Nirwandar, Chairman of Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center.
Finally, we also deliver our gratitude to all who have supported this symposium and all participants.
Billahi taufiq wal hidayah.
Wassalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Head of PII-MKU
Prof. Dr. Nurhayati Djamas, M.A., M.Si